June 2024 Newsletter


J. M. Brister holds up the book Troubled Paradise while smiling. A library is in the background.

Happy summer, everyone!  I hope you all are well, and if you are not, you know that I am here in spirit to hold your hand.  My health has been up and down, and I wish my writing progress was better.  I was hoping this post would bring better news, but I don't have much for you.

I'm at 82,000 words for Gray Tower Book 6.  That's approximately sixty-eight to seventy percent done in my estimation.  I'm also trudging along in my Restless Sentinels MC romance, though I'm not very far.  I do very much want to get the Gray Tower book published by the end of the year.  It would be a travesty if I had no book out this year.

I do, at some point, want to have an informational blog series on some of my ailments.  They turn up in my books, and it's always cathartic to write about them.  I've also talked to so many people who have no idea what I'm talking about when I tell them about some of them.  It's disheartening in a way because they don't realize the severity of my issues because of the way my disease sounds.  So, I feel like posting about some of these would be helpful, but I promise I'll still be writing the books.  No distractions.  Okay.  That actually is a distraction, but you know what I mean.